Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Some Inbetweened Shots

I've decided to upload some inbetweened shots that are sitting on my jump drive. I need to show more of my animation, and not sit on it like a chicken waiting for an egg to hatch. I threw that analogy out there off the top of my head, but I just realized that I really DO treat my work like that.

This one (Shot 6) has actually been updated since I exported this .mov. For instance, the fabric falling down into the basket is now inbetweened, as is the basket being kicked away. My friend, Dave Rappoccio, is coloring the character for me as we speak. I animated this shot completely, no inbetween help. It's kind of my baby, and I'd like to really perfect it after this is all over so I can use it on my demo reel. I've wanted to do this specific movement since the idea birth of this animation.

And this one is actually kind of neat, because Brett Wilson inbetweened the fat cat while Elizabeth Cardella inbetweened the cook and the skinny cat. My only worry here is that there's too much going on, and so you'll either miss the adorableness of that fat cat licking the spoon his master just put down, or the neat eye roll that the skinnier cat does when his master starts to fawn over the fatter cat, or even the general movement of the cook, Rosie. I've also wanted to do this movement since the very beginning, though it's changed a bit and it didn't end up the way I had imagined it would.

And then this last one, which I just kind of threw in for kicks. It's certainly not one of the most elaborate, but it got finished today and it has the cute fat cat in it again. Elizabeth Cardella also inbetweened this one for me.

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